Earth And Space Adventures Capture Google Zeitgeist This Week
Google Announces Top 10 Gainers for the Week Ending April 28th
Mountain View, CA (rushprnews) April 30, 2007-The week contained multitudes for people who searched for information on Google. April 22 was [earth day], and the growing interest in all things green led to countless events and activities for those who love the planet.
Speaking of planets, a team of European astronomers announced that they found an Earth-like [new planet] relatively close to ours, unevocatively named Gliese 581C. Other atmospheric news this week: Lt. Cdr. Kevin Davis of the [blue angels] died in a crash during an April 21 air show in Beaufort, S.C., and a new low-cost airline startup called [skybus] announced promotional fares of $10 a flight when it launches next month from Columbus, Oh.
Other doings this week included the release of [pokemon diamond], which in the first five days sold more than one million units (as did its cousing Pokemon Pearl), and the now-booming desert music festival [coachella], drawing a daily crowd of 60,000 fans this weekend who are braving the heat near Indio, Calif. And headlines blared the story of [mike penner], a 23-year veteran of sportswriting for the Los Angeles Times, who announced in a column that he is transsexual, and after a leave, will return to his beat as Christine. And in Iraq-related news, former soldier [jessica lynch] testified this week before Congress that her well-known heroic saga in 2003 was a press fabrication; she credited Sgt. Donald Walters, who died in the ambush, as being the real hero.
Finally, celebutainment sources were all over [katie price], who with husband Peter Andre stars in a new E! “reality” series. The blonde model seems to be a magnet for headlines about her exploits, their kids, and Peter’s recent bout of meningitis. None of which our mom would condone – so don’t forget, [mother’s day] is May 13.
For breaking news and obscure information alike, people around the world search on Google. What follows is a summary of Google Zeitgeist results for the top gainers on, when comparing search queries that have risen by a significant percentage for the week of April 21-28, 2007.
For more information, visit the Google Zeitgeist at Gainers
- earth day
- blue angels
- katie price
- jessica lynch
- skybus
- pokemon diamond
- coachella
- mike penner
- new planet
- mother’s day
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