Flying High At Five: JetBlue’s TrueBlue Program Turns Five, Registers Five Millionth Member

JETBLUEFlying High At Five: JetBlue’s TrueBlue Program Turns Five, Registers Five Millionth Member
NEW YORK, NY  (rushprnews) June 13, 2007– JetBlue Airways Corporation (Nasdaq:JBLU) today celebrates the fifth birthday of TrueBlue, the award-winning low-cost carrier’s customer loyalty program.

TrueBlue, which offers fliers easy-to-earn, easy-to-redeem awards for travel across JetBlue’s network of 54 popular destinations, reached another milestone this week as it registered its five millionth member.

“For five years our customers have come to love TrueBlue’s simplicity and the ease with which they can find and book award seats,” said Dave Canty, JetBlue’s Director of Loyalty Marketing. “As TrueBlue turns five, we want to thank our five million members for their continued loyalty. We look forward to continue recognizing our most faithful fliers with exciting new enhancements to the TrueBlue program in the coming months.”

TrueBlue, which launched in 2002, has experienced a nearly 40% year-over-year membership growth rate since its inception. Unlike traditional frequent flier programs, TrueBlue members earn points instead of ‘miles’ for flights flown. Each JetBlue routes is classified as short, medium or long-haul, and customers can earn points for each one-way trip: two points for a short flight; four points for a medium flight; and six points for a long flight. Points are automatically doubled when TrueBlue members book via A free roundtrip flight, valid for travel to any of JetBlue’s destinations across the U.S., Bermuda, Mexico and the Caribbean, is awarded immediately after a customer reaches 100 points(a).

Customers can earn TrueBlue points even faster by using the JetBlue Card from American Express. Every time Cardmembers purchase JetBlue travel with the Card, or earn at least one TrueBlue point through other purchasing using the Card, all TrueBlue points in the member’s account automatically extend for another 12 months. The low-fare airline also offers the JetBlue Business Card from American Express, which allows small business owners to save 5% on JetBlue flights when payment is made with the JetBlue Business Card(b). Now, in addition to providing consumers a way to earn TrueBlue points when they are not flying, JetBlue’s American Express Card products makes it possible for them to accrue points without worrying about point expiration dates. Currently, only the primary JetBlue Cardmember has the ability to extend their TrueBlue point expiration dates.

For more information about TrueBlue, or to register to become a member, visit

New York-based JetBlue Airways has created a new airline category based on value, service and style. Known for its award-winning service and free TV as much as its low fares, JetBlue is now pleased to offer customers the most legroom throughout coach (based on average fleet-wide seat pitch for U.S. airlines). JetBlue is also America’s first and only airline to offer its own Customer Bill of Rights, with meaningful compensation for customers inconvenienced by service disruptions within JetBlue’s control. Visit for details. JetBlue serves 52 cities with up to 575 daily flights. With JetBlue, all seats are assigned, all travel is ticketless, all fares are one-way, and an overnight stay is never required. For information or reservations call 1-800-JETBLUE (1-800-538-2583) or visit

The JetBlue logo is available at

(a) Customer is responsible for government taxes and fees applicable to Award Travel including Passenger Facility Charges of up to $9 each way, September 11th Security Fees of up to $5 each way and a Federal Segment Tax of $3.40 per domestic segment. A segment is a takeoff and landing. In the case of international travel, international taxes and fees of up to $72.05 apply each way. All taxes and fees must be paid at the time of purchase. See TrueBlue Terms and Conditions for additional restrictions that may apply.

(b) 5% savings, which will appear as separate statement credits of 3% and 2%, is valid on air-only travel purchased directly from JetBlue at or 1-800-JETBLUE (538-2583). JetBlue Business Card accounts will receive a maximum annual savings of $2,000 per Card account.

JetBlue’s 36 channels of DIRECTV(r) service is not available on flights outside the continental United States; however, where applicable, FOX InFlight(tm) is offered complimentary on these routes. FOX InFlight(tm) is a trademark of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. JetBlue’s in-flight entertainment is powered by LiveTV, a wholly owned subsidiary of JetBlue.

This press release contains statements of a forward-looking nature which represent our management’s beliefs and assumptions concerning future events. Forward-looking statements involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions, and are based on information currently available to us. Actual results may differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements due to many factors, including, without limitation, our extremely competitive industry; increases in fuel prices, maintenance costs and interest rates; our ability to implement our growth strategy, including the ability to operate reliably the EMBRAER 190 aircraft; our significant fixed obligations; our ability to attract and retain qualified personnel and maintain our culture as we grow; our reliance on high daily aircraft utilization; our dependence on the New York metropolitan market; our reliance on automated systems and technology; our being subject to potential unionization; our reliance on a limited number of suppliers; changes in or additional government regulation; changes in our industry due to other airlines’ financial condition; and external geopolitical events and conditions. Further information concerning these and other factors is contained in the Company’s Securities and Exchange Commission filings, including but not limited to, the Company’s 2006 Annual Report on Form 10-K and Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q. We undertake no obligation to update any forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances that may arise after the date of this release.

CONTACT: JetBlue Corporate Communications
(718) 709-3089

JetBlue Reservations
(800) JET-BLUE (538-2583)


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