Leonardo DiCaprio “Dedicate a Tree for Father’s Day “
Leo stays green on all occasions with environmental-friendly Father’s Day gifts.
Los Angeles, CA (rushprnews) June 8, 2007- Whether to mark a birth, a passing, a wedding, a birthday, a personal milestone, many thousands of native trees owe their beginning to TreePeople’s year-round Gift of Life tree dedication program.
Give the Gift of Life and you show your commitment to seeding the future for those yet to come.
Trees are planted in the park woodlands and mountain areas around the Los Angeles Basin as part of the restoration work that we perform. Due to the nature of the work that we do, we do not have tags or plaques on each of the trees. Specific trees are not designated to specific dedications.
Everyone is invited to participate with TreePeople staff and volunteers as we plant . Planting season starts in September and ends in May. Be sure to check our calendar for fall plantings!
GO TO http://www.treepeople.org/tpstore/itemlist.tps?Category=Tree+Dedications
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