London, UK (RPRN) 24 March 2009–PR Agency Punch Communications has increased its digital acumen by taking advantage of the technological boom by ensuring that its team of public relations consultants are as well versed in social media as possible.
Incorporating aspects of Technology PR along with more traditional methods can be extremely beneficial to a campaign and in order to keep up with trends, the Punch team strives to use its existing knowledge of print media to best advantage whilst still gaining understanding of the different aspects of the increasingly popular phenomena of Web 2.0.
As the recession affects more Britons, PR Jobs are becoming increasingly sought after and applicants vying for employment are fiercely competitive. Pete Goold, Managing Director of PR Company, Punch Communications commented: – “There’s simply no escaping that the economic climate is an extremely nerve wracking time for everyone and businesses in particular have to be savvy in order to ride out the storm. The Punch team is intelligent, articulate, har-working and resourceful and so anyone who is looking to join us must have these traits in abundance – it’s just how we work.â€
Pete continued “Web 2.0 is an increasingly important aspect of Public Relations and it is crucial that in order to stand out from the crowd, candidates competing for vacancies are able to display a succinct knowledge of what key aspects of a successful campaign involve, be that understanding the importance of media relations, forging strong ties with key journalists or knowing what a good pitch entails, each one of these is vital in developing a campaign.
For more information about Punch Communications or to find out what PR could do for you, contact the team on 01858 411600 or take a look at the Punch website by visiting