Michael Moore – Entertainment News – Provocative New Book About Michael Moore Gets Thumbs Up From Stars on MySpace
NEW YORK, NY (rushprnews) June 14, 2007 – Rapidly gaining support from legends of music and various progressive associations on the popular website MySpace, AMERICAN DISSIDENT: THE POLITICAL ART OF MICHAEL MOORE is the only extensive defense of Michael Moore to date.
It fills the gap left by neo-conservative authors who wrote books bashing the controversial figure in the past, and puts into perspective the last 20 years of American history.
Besides being a thorough study of Michael Moore’s stylistic orientations and most cherished themes, both in his feature films and television shows, it is also, and without a doubt, an effort to settle a few scores with the Right in America.
Sustained by dozens of examples, the author vindicates Moore’s work and methods by claiming that it is art, while deconstructing the failures of the Bush administration since 2001.
“American Dissident: The Political Art of Michael Moore” is as controversial as its subject matter. It is a lucid and ground-up analysis of Moore’s project and, ultimately, a mandatory read for anyone interested in the mischievous doings of the great American patriot.
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