m62 visualcommunications, the global leader in presentation effectiveness, urges presenters to carefully consider the use of colour in their PowerPoint slides.
The subconscious meanings of colours should be taken into consideration when preparing presentation design. Different colours have varying connotations in different colours, and the presenter should be aware of these before making any decisions. For example, in most of the western world the colour red is often used to indicate danger, whereas in India red signifies purity. When using colour to convey a message, it is important to think about what that colour could mean to an audience.
Many presenters attempt to liven up dull PowerPoint slides by adding colours. In fact, garish slides that use contrasting primary colours can look cheap, causing the presenter to look unprofessional.
Instead, presenters should stick to a subtler colour scheme based on the company brand. Using pre-approved shades and font colours that complement this will produce a constant brand image that looks professional and impressive.
PowerPoint users can produce a personalised colour palette, with customised default colours for titles, text, shapes and more. There are online PowerPoint training tutorials available that detail how to do this, and offer tips on how to adjust colour schemes.
Nicholas Oulton, Founder of m62, commented: “It is important to use a colour scheme that looks impressive and professional, thus portraying a positive company image. In addition to this, presenters should really think about the significance of the colours they choose. Colours are used to convey different messages around the world, and presenters should be careful not to send mixed signals.
“With training, it isn’t difficult to adjust colour schemes in PowerPoint. These can then be pre-programmed into PowerPoint templates, for use by all employees in a company. This ensures that presentations adhere to design guidelines, as well as portraying the brand image correctly.”
m62 has produced almost 10,000 presentations for clients worldwide, and operates from offices in the UK, US and Singapore.
For more information about m62 visualcommunications, visit m62.net or call +44 (0)151 259 6262.