Yes, it’s that time of year when the beauty of spring and summer calls our attention to the need for volunteers to clean up parks, rivers, create new trails and be the caretakers of our community. Environmental non-profit organizations depend on volunteers to fulfill their missions, but unfortunately, more than one-third of those who volunteer one year do not donate their time the next year. That adds up to an estimated $38 billion in lost labor according to the 2009 Stanford Social Innovation review. GoGreenGetRewards.com, an online volunteer rewards program, is ready to help by providing volunteer incentives.
The rewards program was created to give environmental non-profit organizations an opportunity to demonstrate appreciation to their volunteers by providing incentives to retain and grow their volunteer base. At Go Green Get Rewards, non-profit members validate volunteer hours as quickly as accepting friends on Facebook. Volunteers earn receive reward points for the hours they work and redeem them for featured rewards such as vacations, gift cards, and hotel and restaurant certificates.
“We want to support the efforts of the incredibly hardworking organizations that make a difference in our communities in every way we can”, states Founder Tammy Allen. Go Green Get Rewards doubles as a social networking site providing an easy system for non-profit organizations to post volunteer opportunities, track volunteers and their hours. There is no cost for non-profits or volunteers to become members of the volunteer rewards program. The goal is to express appreciation to millions of Americans who are dedicated to insuring the future of our planet for the generations to come.
For more information, please visit www.GoGreenGetRewards.com
info@GoGreenGetRewards.com or call 678.344.6032