m62 visualcommunications, the global leader in presentation effectiveness, is today reminding presenters of the importance of conducting full checks before the start of any presentation.
While Steve Jobs is accredited worldwide as a gifted and experienced speaker, his introduction of the latest version of the iPhone on the 7th of June was far from perfect. A variety of technical issues meant that some of his examples didn’t work, and audience members were left waiting. Jobs’ experience enabled him to recover, but not all presenters would be confident enough to do so.
Millions of presentations are given each day, but there are so many things that can go wrong. Potential issues at the venue include faulty sound systems; incorrect lighting; and room temperature. These problems have a negative impact upon a presentation, as they can distract the audience. For example, studies have shown that room temperature can have a significant influence on attention span.
Presenters should ensure that all audience members can hear them clearly, and see them as well as their PowerPoint slides. Any disruption to these would not only disrupt an audience’s understanding, but it would prohibit dual encoding, as visual and information should be received simultaneously for maximum effect.
Incompatibility of files in PowerPoint presentations is another common problem that presenters encounter. To negate this risk, presenters should check files – paying particular attention to animations and transitions – for compatibility with other versions of software. Other backup plans include carrying spare versions of the file, bringing a spare laptop.
Nicholas Oulton, Founder of m62, commented: “There is so much that can go wrong in any type of presentation, and it is important for everything to go smoothly on the day. Difficulties can make a presenter look unprofessional and unprepared, and do not reflect well on his message and presentation.
“Even the small, seemingly insignificant things make a difference – like room temperature. If the room is too hot, the audience will get sleepy and disengage. Similarly, dehydration is a big factor. If the presentation is long, presenters should arrange for event organisers to place water bottles on tables in front of audience members. Better yet, presenters should schedule in breaks in which the audience can get up, move around, and get themselves a drink.”
m62 has produced almost 10,000 presentations for clients worldwide, and operates from offices in the UK, US and Singapore. m62 offers a variety of services for its clients and website visitors, from presentation design to free downloadable PowerPoint templates.
For more information about m62 visualcommunications, call +44 (0)151 259 6262 or visit m62.net.