Have you ever been strapped for cash and unsure where to turn? For the majority this will be a yes, and it can be tough knowing what to do in these times. Borrowing from friends and family is normally not a good idea with inevitable consequences, and this is why so many people look into getting loans. Sometimes we just need a bit of quick cash, and this could be to repair your car, make a journey somewhere, pay an unexpected bill amongst many other reasons, and when this happens it seems lots of people get a PayDay loan. This is a type of loan where you repay in full on your next payday, and this is not ideal as when payday rolls around you are out of pocket again, and there is not much flexibility with this type of loan either.
Next time you are in need of some quick cash then consider a payday loan alternative, and this is a loan type which offers great flexibility and is perfect for covering any short term emergency expenses that you might encounter. So, what makes this better than a payday loan? With a payday loan alternative you will be able to make multiple repayments over 3, 6 or 12 month periods, and this means that you can figure out a repayment schedule that suits your budget. This is extremely beneficial as it means that you should be able to repay the loan in full without struggling to get by, allowing you to maintain your current lifestyle which is something not really possible with payday loans.
Where to go for a Payday Loan Alternative
1st Stop offer an excellent payday alternative loan which will allow you to get the money that you need on the same day, and this is very important for a lot of unexpected expenditures. These short term, unsecured loans can be any amount between £150 and £500, and this should be plenty to cover you whilst you are in need, and then your repayments are spread over the agreed terms. The advantages of this loan type over payday loans are clear, and this flexibility means that borrowing money is not the stressful process which it is if you borrow from family or opt for any other kind of loan.
You can easily apply for your loan online, and the whole process is very quick so if you are in desperate need then you will not have to wait too long until you have the cash. We all encounter money troubles once in a while, but sometimes these can be made worse with payday loans as you will constantly find yourself struggling for cash. So instead opt for this great alternative which offers you plenty of flexibility and will allow you to get the money you need, and you then have an easier repayment process which is much more manageable.