The World’s Largest 21st Century Surrealist Art Exhibition.
November 17, 2018 at Coimbra House Culture and Chiado Museum in Portugal
Coimbra, Portugal -International Surrealism Now is the largest international surrealist exhibition in the World, presenting 107 of the world’s leading surrealism artists from 45 countries. This ground breaking project is presented by Santiago Ribeiro, Portuguese surrealist painter, dedicated to promoting Surrealism of the 21st century, through exhibitions presented over the last 8 years in various parts of the world: Berlin, Moscow, Dallas, Los Angeles, Mississippi, Warsaw, Nantes, Paris, Florence, Madrid, Granada, Barcelona, Lisbon, Belgrade, MonteNegro, Romania, Japan, Taiwan and Brazil.
In an attempt to take art to the people en masse – and promote the largest group exhibit of surreal art this year — Portuguese surrealist painter Santiago Ribeiro is teasing the public with flash images of his work in the most famous intersection of the world: Times Square.
The pieces are part of the International Surrealism Now exhibit, which isto open at the Coimbra House Culture and Chiado Museum in Portugal next November 17 of 2018. Billed as the largest world exhibition of contemporary Surrealism art in Europe – with more than 100 artists from 45 countries participating – the exhibit of paintings, drawings, digital art,photographs and sculpture is also expected to be shown, at least inpart, at several monuments and public spaces throughout Portugal.
“As always I´m doing something different and the idea to exhibit inTimes Square in New York shows how the mass media are our modern means to show our art,” Ribeiro said.
Ribeiro’s work has been featured at the U.S.Embassy in Lisbon, in the PortugueseAmerican Journal, in DigitalMeets Culture, Pressenzafr,, Pravda in Portuguese, Huffingtonpost, TheHerald News, AssociatedPress and many other publications (link).
His sponsors include Coimbra House Mayor, Bissaya Barreto Foundation and MagicCraftsman Studio.
He conceived the International Surrealism Now movement in 2010 inCoimbra with a major exhibit organized by Bissaya Barreto.
International Surrealism Now of the 21st century presents a strong force for freedom of creativity, love and hope. This can be see in the works of the personal visions of 107 of the world’s leading surrealism artists representing the hopes, dreams and idealogies of 45 countries proposing new perspectives, solutions and healing journeys
Showcasing the dreams of creative and ideological freedom, the modern day internet allows us to bring you the vital works of these astounding 21st century surealist artists..
AchrafBaznani,Morocco/AgimMeta,Spain/AissaMammasse,Algeria/AlvaroMejias,Venezuela /AnaNeamu,Romania/AnaPilar Morales,Spain/AndrewBaines,Australia/AsierGuerrero Rico(Dio),Spain/BrigidMarlin,UK/BienBanez,Philippines/CanEmed,Turkey/CarlosSablón,Cuba/CătălinPrecup,Romania/CristianTownsend,Australia/ConorWalton,Ireland/CynthiaTom,China/USA/DagSamsund,Denmark/DailaLupo,Italy/DanNeamu,Romania/DanielChiriac,Romania/DanielHanequand, France/Canada/DanieleGori,Italy/DelphineCencig,France/DeanFleming,USA/DomenLo,Slovenia/EdgarInvoker,Russia/EfratCybulkiewicz,Venezuela/EgillEibsen,Iceland/ErikHeyninck,Belgium/EttoreAldo Del Vigo,Italy/FarhadJafari,Iran/FranceGarrido,USA/FranciscoUrbano,Portugal/GraçaBordalo Pinheiro,Portugal/GraszkaPaulska,Poland/GromykoSemper,Philippines/GyuriLohmuller,Romania/HectorPineda,Mexico/HectorToro,Colombia/HenriettaKozica,Sweden/HuguesGillet,France/IsabelMeyrelles,Portugal/IwasakiNagi,Japan/JamesSkelton,UK/JayGarfinkle,USA/JayPaul Vonkoffler,USA/Argentine/JeremiahJimah,Nigeria/JoãoDuarte,Portugal/KeithWigdor,USA/LeoWijnhoven,Netherlands/LeoPlaw,Germany/LibaWS,France/LubomírŠtícha,RepublicCzech /LudgeroRolo,Portugal/LvShang,China/MaciejHoffman,Poland/MagiCalhoun,USA/MarniePitts,UK/MariaAristova,Russia/MarioDevcic,Croatia/MartinaHoffman,Germany/MathiasBöhm,Germany/MehribanEfendi,Azerbaijan/NaikerRoman,Cuba/Spain/NazarenoStanislau,Brazil/NikolinaPetolas,Croatia/OctavianFlorescu,Canada/OlegKorolev,Russia/OlesyaNovik,Russia /OlgaSpiegel,USA/OttoRapp,Austria/PaulaRosa,Portugal/PauloCunha,Canada/PedroDiaz Cartes,Chile/PennyGolledge,UK/PeterMC LANE,France/PhilippePelletier,France/RochFautch, USA/RodicaMiller, USA/RubenCukier,Argentine/Israeli/RudolfBoelee,NewZealand /SabinaNore,Austria/SampoKaikkonen,Finland/SantiagoRibeiro,Portugal/SarahZambiasi,Australia/SergeSunne, Latvia/SergeyTyukanov,Russia/ShahlaRosa,USA/ShojiTanaka,Japan/ShanZhulan,China/ShiaWeltenmenge,Germany/SioShisio,Indonesia/SlavkoKrunic,Serbia/SnežanaPetrović,Serbia/SôniaMenna Barreto,Brazil/SteveSmith,USA/StuartGriggs,UK/SvetlanaKislyachenko,Ukraine/SvetlanaRatova,Russia/TatomirPitariu,USA/TonHaring,Netherlands/VictorLages,Portugal/VuHuyen Thuong,Vietnam/YamalDin,Morocco/Spain/YuriTsvetaev,Russia/ZoltanDucsai,Hungary/ZoranVelimanovic,Serbia.
The 45countries represented: Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Austria,Azerbaijan, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia,Czech Republic, Cuba, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary,Iceland, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico,Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Philippines, Poland,Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey,United Kingdom, United States, Ukraine, Venezuela, Vietnam.
Notefor the international tourists:Visit Portugal as a tourist for International Surrealism Now. It’s one ofthe safest places in the world –without terrorism, without violence,without weapons. There are no hurricanes and cyclones, only good food and wine (vinho tinto), wonderful places and weather, the sea and mountains, the monuments and city ruins from the Stone Age to the Roman Empire; from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance; maritime discoveries; from the Classic to the Modern.
ContactsEmail:international@surrealismnow.plPhone:+351239718541Schedule:from9h to 13h and from 14h to 19h.
Casada Cultura & Museu do Chiado, 3000, Coimbra, Portugal
InternationalSurrealism Now – Full service