In your quest to become the best manager or boss possible, don’t forget to tap your employees for the valuable resource they are. You’re sure to get some great insight from them, but there’s a good chance they may hold back on ways they feel you could improve, mainly because they don’t want to risk hurting your feelings. Here are a few items employees wish their bosses knew but are often hesitant to say out loud.
Poor Managers Can Force Great Employees Out the Door
Rather than the position itself or the company, it’s often the manager who makes good employees seek jobs elsewhere. Some managers can come across as inept and poorly trainedfor their jobs. To that end, you should seek out continuous learning experiences to improve your managerial abilities. It makes no difference how long someone has worked in management; just because you’ve been in a certain position for several decades doesn’t necessarily mean you’re great at it.
Basic Respect Goes a Long Way
It’s a managerial no-no to address female employees as “girls” or use similar terms in an attempt to seem more down to earth. Such words can seem as if you’re being unintentionally belittling and disrespectful. Times have changed, and how you address employees according to their gender, race, religion, and age has a big impact on how they view you as well as the company.
Giving Employees Essential Tasks Is a Sign of Trust
Employees can grow bored and unmotivated performing the same task and job duties day in and day out, which can quickly lead to them looking elsewhere for job satisfaction. Managers can not only keep employees engaged by handing over important tasks but doing so can show they trust their employees as well. Taking this a step further, refraining from micromanaging and unnecessary hand holding while employees complete the task is even better. That way, employees feel you trust that they can not only complete the project but have the skills and talent necessary to do so.
Offering Professional Development Is Beneficial for Everyone
While you’re researching ways to gain a deeper understanding of what job seekers value in an employer, you’re likely to read about the importance of allowing employees to develop professionally. Touching back on keeping your team motivated and engaged, providing them with opportunities to become better and learn more about their chosen profession benefits them as well as the company. Training opportunities, mentorships, professional certifications, and promotions are all solid examples of helping employees evolve and encouraging them to remain with your company.
Addressing Employees Who Don’t Carry Their Weight Is Difficult, But Necessary
Chances are that not every employee on your team works equally hard. Because your employees work in such close proximity to each other, you can bet that they know exactly who doesn’t pull her or his weight. You probably have a good idea of who those individuals are as well. Rather than send the unintentional message that you expect your hardworking employees to pick up the slack while lazy team members just coast along, take steps to improve the situation.
Your employees are likely hesitant to tell you the whole truth about how they think you can improve as a boss. Keep these tips in mind to keep awkwardness at a minimum on your journey to be the best manager possible.