The Smart Home what is called “smart” because of the network benefited by individual components and devices. Today we are experiencing the next phase in technological development that makes the smart home even more intelligent. Advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) research are thus manifesting in the smart home area. The main focus of this article in Think Protection Inc. is what exactly is artificial intelligence in this context and how does it affect the smart home?
What is Artificial Intelligence – and above all: what not?
If there is the talk of artificial intelligence at present, there are some major misunderstandings. There are two reasons for this: When it comes to Artificial Intelligence, two fundamentally different readings compete with each other. On the one hand, there is a threat scenario. It is based on the idea that artificial intelligence makes machines as intelligent as humans – if not smarter. In the end, the man in the working world becomes superfluous and replaced. On the other hand, there is what we think is a more realistic assessment. Although the achievements of AI are very impressive, they have nothing to do with the horror scenario.
“Artificial intelligence is currently available in two variants: once as a fictional threat scenario and once in reality. This version of the AI makes Smart Home even smarter.”
The current successes are not so much to do with the fact that machines are humanlike. Basically, artificial intelligence can be understood as a new form of software. However, it is no longer about following fixed rules or programs that make machine work. Rather, AI programs are capable of learning and can handle complex tasks. This learning ability is due to AI-based programs such as Deep Learning, Machine Learning or Artificial Neural Net. The tremendous advantage that learning brings with it: such AI programs can be trained specifically for their particular purpose.
Applications of Artificial Intelligence in the Smart Home
The Smart Home features Artificial Intelligence, especially in areas that involve intelligent control. Intelligent algorithms provide the basis for networked systems to respond better and better to the needs of humans (“context awareness“). The way humans and machines communicate with each other also changes fundamentally through Artificial Intelligence. Intelligent systems can be controlled via voice input thanks to artificial intelligence.
In addition to control and communication, the use of AI makes sense in the analysis of data that arises in the smart home. Especially through the use of machine-learning algorithms, patterns can be identified in databases. These patterns – for example, energy consumption in a building – can be used to optimize the energy supply of buildings, to increase living comfort and to increase safety.
What does the development mean for smart home craftsmanship?
This development will affect smart home craftsmanship in the coming years. The need for advice will increase with increasing technology as well as the requirements of training. Especially when it comes to industrial buildings, high-rise buildings or multi-object building complexes, AI-based benefits bring great benefits. That’s why they will prevail faster here than in the private sector, where the need for advice and the service options will rise as well.
“Smart Home becomes Smart Home 2.0 the Artificial Intelligence. The smart home craft must also be prepared for that.”
A residential heating and ventilation system will in future be able to monitor in real time all installations in operation with its customers. Malfunctions are detected before the devices fail. Once enough data has been evaluated, it can offer its customers’ energy advice based on the analysis of their consumption data. Also, software or firmware updates, which contribute to more efficiency of the plants or a larger functional range, extend the range of tasks of smart homes. All the more experts see the need for specific smart home craftsmen.
The potential future of AI for the smart home
Today we are only experiencing the beginnings of what will be possible with Artificial Intelligence in the future. According to the hype-cycle of Gartner, important trends just reach the plateau of real market maturity after a specific phase of hype. One of these market-ready trends is software-based security systems. These will usher in a major turnaround in the smart home sector, as security is a key factor in investing in a smart home. Artificial intelligence makes a key contribution here because it can make error-prone systems safe in smart homes.
In a more distant future, intelligent robotic systems can be expected as part of smart homes. These can bring advantages in particular for more comfort, for example in the kitchen or in the ambient assisted living area. Artificial intelligence, however, is anything but distant future music. Rather, according to a recent study, is already considered a decisive factor for competitiveness and prosperity promoters. This is why specializing in services for the smart home must adapt to this development at an early stage and test new business models. Last but not least, this is the only way to trust in the latest technologies created and promoted, which is essential for their success.