At the turn of the year I decided that it was time to really double down on the social media side of things for my business. In order to get this right, I thought it best to check out what some people I follow are doing, and then use them as inspiration for my own social media stuff. One of the best people who I follow online is Mack Prioleau, a guy who does a lot of stuff around fitness and calisthenics. The reason I picked Mack to be inspired by is because he gets such great traction on this content, even though he doesn’t have millions of followers. This was what I was looking for, content which would make a mark, rather than getting millions of followers. I am not at Mack’s level of course but here is what he does so well, and what I am trying to do well too.
I see a lot of people complain about the traction which their social media content gets, but it doesn’t take long to realize the fact that they are simply not posting with any level of consistency. The speed at which social media moves is exactly why it is so necessary to consistently be pumping out content.
Great Quality
I don’t know Mack personally and so I can’t tell you how long he spends on his content, what I will tell you however is that he clearly invests a great deal of himself because the quality is top level. This is again something which I have been trying to incorporate into my own social media networks and I certainly think that it is something which is lacking for so many others. The quality of the content has to be great if you are going to get interaction on your social media page.
What so many people fail to realize is that they cannot just expect to constantly give out content and expect to get some love online, it is also greatly important that you are able to engage with those people. The internet, and social media in particular, is a community, and within a community each member should work with the others. If you are producing content for your page and someone offers a comment, do your best to comment back, show appreciation and keep people coming back.
One area which Mack clearly understands well is how to approach a trending topic. Whenever I check out Mack’s Insta Stories for example, I often see him resharing stuff which is trending at the time, with the correct use of hashtags to highlight it. This shows the clear dedication which Mack has and the fact that he clearly gets what he should be doing in order to get followers and traction.
These are some of the things which I have been trying to incorporate into my own use of social media, having been inspired by people like Mack Prioleau.