Anouk Govil has always been in love with the great outdoors. In fact, she highly recommends taking advantage of what’s left of the summer to venture out to a nature preserve and have a blast, while of course, following social distancing and other safety protocols.
The fact of the matter is, there are so many activities to enjoy in nature, and still stay safe from the coronavirus. One of them is kayaking.
Kayaking, as well as packrafting and stand-up paddling, are fun water activities for the nature enthusiast. It’s a huge added bonus that the paddles that people use in order to move on the water actually forces them to stay at least six feet apart. Any closer and people would be hitting each other’s paddles.
What does this mean? It means that even if there are many people, say, on a lake or river because of the paddles, they need to stay far apart, which bodes well especially in today’s pandemic-stricken world.
Beyond requiring social distancing, kayaking also has a number of benefits, which are listed below.
Kayaking is great for the body
One of the best things about activities in nature is that they hold so many health benefits. And kayaking is no different. First off, it’s great for both the heart and lungs. The fresh air does wonders for the respiratory system, while the all the paddling improves the blood and oxygen circulation in the body. The vitamin D from the sun has also been known to fortify a body’s immune system, which is priceless with the COVID-19 virus infecting people everywhere.
Kayaking is great for the mind.
Aside from the obvious physical benefits, kayaking also holds significant advantages for a person’s mental and emotional health. It is a stress-reliever and a very welcome distraction from all that’s going on in the country. And the fact that a person is surrounded by the beauty of the natural world surely has its merits.
Kayaking is for everyone
As long as safety procedures are practiced at all times, such as the wearing of life vests and the presence of professional kayakers or instructors, kayaking can be an activity for people of all ages. Parents, kids, and seniors will surely enjoy an afternoon splish-splashing on a river or lake. Kayaking can also be an activity greatly appreciated by individuals who prefer either a solo or group adventure.