When waking up in your everyday life it is important to make sure you can get every advantage you can find to get you out of the door in the most efficient way. During your normal morning routine it is extremely easy to get side tracked when waking up and something popping up so you are not getting to work on time. When thinking about anyone’s morning routine it is important to start your day off with a nice warm shower to wake you up. The problem is that if you have thick or long hair it can take hours before your hair is completely dried and ready to work on and some people just do not have that time in the morning.
Drying your hair with a hair dryer only damages your hair by forcing your hair to dry too quickly. Also, a hair dryer is a loud device that can be annoying and can wake up your roommates or spouse that is sleeping with you at night. A hair dryer can also be a very dangerous device if you are around water it can shock you and dry out your hair all at the same time. When looking out for the health and well being of your hair and roots drying your hair with a hair dryer will only strip and hurt your hair’s health and well being.
Why you should do more than just dry your hair!
When looking out for your hair’s health and wellbeing it is important to make sure you are putting back in what you take out of your hair when you are going through your nightly and morning routine. Did you know when you wash and condition your hair you are essentially stripping your hair of oils when using shampoo and when you condition you replace the oil you just stripped out. It is a process that does not need to happen every morning and night or your hair will become frizzy and if you are also drying your hair with a hair dryer it can only dry out your hair more than it already is in the first place. It can be extremely important to include a morning and night time routine to your hair. It can help to avoid shampooing and conditioning your hair all the time and just adding some essential oils to your hair instead to keep your hair as hydrated as it possibly can be. The worst thing you can do for your is strip it and dry it out too quickly with a hair dryer.
Why drying your hair with a towel is important!
When thinking about the health and well being of your hair it can be very important to understand what the best hair dryer on the market can be. Drying your hair with a towel is something that is very important and if you have long hair it can be essential. When drying your hair with a towel you could be hurting the health of your hair if you are just using a normal towel to dry your hair. Your hair deserves a towel made to dry your hair twice as fast and fit to your head and hair like it should be. Normal towels are made to dry your body, not your hair so it is important to find that perfect towel made of softer material to be more gentle to your hair and to also dry your hair twice as fast as a normal towel made to clean your body and not your hair. Your hair deserves a towel made for you and nothing else.